Pronaya Kumar Sarker
I’m Pronaya Kumar Sarker. My family, relatives, friends, teachers and colleagues call me Kamol. You can also call me Kamol.
Freelancing means I’m my own boss, and I can work with people from different parts of the world. I enjoy the flexibility, and it allows me to take on different projects.
I assist people with their WordPress challenges, whether it’s fixing something that’s not working correctly or guiding them on how to do things. I also work for OMM, Website Solutions BD, REVE IT.
I love traveling, photography, reading everything, listening music and obviously spend time with my family and friends

Quick Contact:
Skype: bdkamol
Mobile: +8801911739586
Address: House # 13, Flat 201, Road # 10
Nikunjo 2, Khilkhet
Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh
Hire Me Now!