About Me

I am a WordPress speed optimizer and WordPress developer from Bangladesh and a happy freelancer on global outsourcing marketplaces e.g. Freelancer.com and UpWork.

Pronaya Kumar Sarker

I’m Pronaya Kumar Sarker. My family, relatives, friends, teachers and colleagues call me Kamol. You can also call me Kamol.

Freelancing means I’m my own boss, and I can work with people from different parts of the world. I enjoy the flexibility, and it allows me to take on different projects.

I assist people with their WordPress challenges, whether it’s fixing something that’s not working correctly or guiding them on how to do things. I also work for OMMWebsite Solutions BDREVE IT.

I love traveling, photography, reading everything, listening music and obviously spend time with my family and friends


Quick Contact:

Email: bdkamol@gmail.com
Skype: bdkamol
Mobile: +8801911739586
Address: House # 13, Flat 201, Road # 10
Nikunjo 2, Khilkhet
Dhaka-1229, Bangladesh

Hire Me Now!

I am available on Freelancer, UpWork, Gmail. Drop me a message! I will get back to you within 24 hours for sure.
pronaya kumar sarker